
Exponents can be very difficult. This is an example, 5^2 power the times you multiply is the exponent, which is 2 so you would do 5*5 to get 25< easy right? well it gets harder lets say that its a negative number for the exponent 5^-2 all you would do is make it into a fraction( 1/ )then you would do it like normal exponents and get 25 you then put it in like this( 1/25 ) that is probably the hardest. There is two more things if the number is one 1^49 the it would still be one because it would be multiplying 1 49 times. also if the exponent is 0,  5^0 the answer would be 1 every time its a 0 there the answer is 1 always. That’s it I hope it helps you out!

Estimating Square Roots

My square root is 80 the two other square roots next to it are 81 and 72 the numbers for those are 9 for 81 and 8 for 72, obviously 80 is much closer  to 81 than 72 so you can eliminate anything 8.5 and below for the square root. It would either be 6, 7, 8, or 9 it is in the higher end of those numbers so you could assume that it is in the 8 or 9’s doing some multiplication i found out that it is closer to a 9 it can’t be higher than .5 again. So cutting the numbers in half i finally came up with an answer 8.94 is very close to the correct square root. I hope this helped you out if you have anything to ask, comment!


We had our first math test not long ago. It included adding, subtracting, dividing and multiplying negative and positive numbers. Its pretty simple actually. If you are multiplying or dividing and both of them are negative the outcome is positive. If there is only one negative number is in there it will always be a negative number. The rules are different in adding and subtracting it mostly depends on which number is bigger than the other, But there is a really helpful rule called leave change change if it subtracting then you leave the first number change the subtraction to adding and change the last number to its opposite. It sounds hard but its really not. It will really help you out!